Make a difference to someone's life!
We are committed to improving the lives of all those affected by breast cancer in the Hawke’s Bay.
Sadly, many women — and men — in the Hawke’s Bay have or have had breast cancer. However, the good news is that these days, breast cancer is very much survivable. In fact, since the introduction of mammograms, the survival rate has reached 95%.
A big problem, though, is the ongoing mental and physical effects of breast cancer. That’s why in 2014, we registered as a charitable trust to support women, men and their families across their whole cancer journey.
Breast cancer in Hawke’s Bay is the leading cause of cancer and cancer deaths in females:
Malignant cancer registrations in females in 2010.
Female deaths due to malignant cancers in 2010.
During 2008-2010, the age-standardised female breast cancer rate in Hawke’s Bay was slightly lower than the national rate (82 per 100,000 compared to the national rate of 92 per 100,000 in 2010).
However, the age-standardised female breast cancer mortality rate in Hawke’s Bay has been slightly higher than the New Zealand average for most of the years between 1996-2010 (25.4 per 100, 000 compared to the national ASR of 19.0 per 100,000 in 2010).
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What we do:
Fund programmes, like Moving On, that offer practical and rehabilitative help.
Advocate to ensure that best clinical practice is available to our community, whether through the DHB or elsewhere.
Offer relevant, practical, and ongoing assistance.
Undertake and support research initiatives into breast cancer, its impact and treatment.
Engage in activities to raise much-needed funds from our community and charitable trusts.
Raise public awareness of breast cancer and its impact on our community.